Wednesday, August 19, 2009

force download of remote file

Many times we want 2 enable 2 users to download files from our web site
just put this function in the Page_Load function and then the users will be enable to download remote files from any web site (note that the function parameter is a virtual path!):

private void forceDownloadRemoteFile(string sFileVirtualPath)
string sFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sFileVirtualPath);
WebClient oWebClient = new WebClient();
MemoryStream oMemoryStream;
byte[] bytes = oWebClient.DownloadData(sFileVirtualPath);
oMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
BinaryReader oBinaryReader = new BinaryReader(oMemoryStream);
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", sFileName));



To execute this function u can use this code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sFileVirtualPath = @"http://localhost/TryWebSite/TextFile.txt";

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to transform between object and xml in c#

Many times we need 2 make transforms object to xml and transform xml to object.
there is a very simple way in XmlSerializer class, we just have to call serialize or Deserialize function and we can get what want. I'll explain it by example:

let's say that we have RootData class:

public class RootData
public HeaderElement Header;
public List SubjectsList;
public class HeaderElement
public int DataType;
public class Subject
public string SubjectName;
public int SubjectID;
public int SubjectType;

and we need to make transforms with this xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RootData xmlns:xsi=""

The function 2 make transform from object to xml is:

public string SerializeObject(Type oType, object oRootData)
//@@@ Create xml from the object
MemoryStream oMemoryStream = null;
XmlTextWriter oXmlTextWriter = null;
string sXml = null;
oMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
XmlSerializer oXmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(oType);
oXmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(oMemoryStream, Encoding.UTF8);
oXmlSerializer.Serialize(oXmlTextWriter, oRootData);
oMemoryStream = (MemoryStream)oXmlTextWriter.BaseStream;
UTF8Encoding oUTF8Encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
sXml = oUTF8Encoding.GetString(oMemoryStream.ToArray());
catch (Exception)
if (oMemoryStream != null)
if (oXmlTextWriter != null)
return sXml;

The function 2 make transform from xml to object is:

public object DeserializeObject(Type oType, string sXml)
//@@@ Create object from the xml
MemoryStream oMemoryStream = null;
object oRootData = null;
XmlSerializer oXmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(oType);
UTF8Encoding oUTF8Encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
Byte[] Bytes = oUTF8Encoding.GetBytes(sXml);
oMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(Bytes);
oRootData = oXmlSerializer.Deserialize(oMemoryStream);
catch (Exception)
if (oMemoryStream != null)
return oRootData;

Before u run this example, u can fill your object with this function:

public RootData CreateData()
RootData oRootData = new RootData();
HeaderElement oHeaderElement = new HeaderElement();
oHeaderElement.DataType = 1;
oRootData.Header = oHeaderElement;

Subject oSubject1 = new Subject();
oSubject1.SubjectID = 1;
oSubject1.SubjectName = "Name1";
oSubject1.SubjectType = 1;

Subject oSubject2 = new Subject();
oSubject2.SubjectID = 2;
oSubject2.SubjectName = "Name2";
oSubject2.SubjectType = 2;

Subject oSubject3 = new Subject();
oSubject3.SubjectID = 3;
oSubject3.SubjectName = "Name3";
oSubject3.SubjectType = 3;

List Subjects = new List();

oRootData.SubjectsList = Subjects;
return oRootData;

And run this code to execute the transform:

RootData oRootData = CreateData();
string sXml = SerializeObject(typeof(RootData), oRootData);
oRootData = (RootData)DeserializeObject(typeof(RootData), sXml);

In this case when every data member trnsform 2 xml node we dont have to change or add nothing in the class, but there is a few useful attributes that we can use (just add it above the data member class):

  • [XmlElement("<Xml Node Name>")] - by default, the XmlSerializer uses the data member name as the xml node name, if u want 2 change it - use this attribute

  • [XmlElement(("<Xml Node Name>"), IsNullable = false)] - says that if the data member value is null it will not appear in the transformed xml

  • [XmlAttribute] - use it when u want that the data member output will be xml attribute and not xml node