Sunday, May 24, 2009

ContainsKey problem

In case that u have generic Dictionary with non primitive key - ContainsKey function will return u a bad answer because this function compare objects by refrence an NOT by value!
so, if u have same key values in the Dictionary and in your test object u will get negative answer.
the solution is 2 override Equals and GetHashCode functions:

//@@@ I have Dictionary with Key_Event5 object as the key
Dictionary<Key_Event5, Event5_Employment> dictEmployment;
//@@@ 4 support ContainsKey function compare by value, i'll implement Key_Event5 on this way:
public class Key_Event5
public int iFormID { get; set; }
public int iEmploymentCode { get; set; }
public Key_Event5(int iFormID, int iEmploymentCode)
this.iFormID = iFormID;
this.iEmploymentCode = iEmploymentCode;

public override bool Equals(object obj)
Key_Event5 oKey_Event5 = obj as Key_Event5;
if (oKey_Event5 == null)
return false;
//@@@ Compare by iFormID and iEmploymentCode
return Equals(iFormID, oKey_Event5.iFormID)
&& Equals(iEmploymentCode, oKey_Event5.iEmploymentCode);

public override int GetHashCode()
return iFormID.GetHashCode() ^ iEmploymentCode.GetHashCode();

//@@@ And now this line will work

Simple XPath Examples

In this post i'll show some simple(but useful) XPath Examples
let's say that i have this xml file named 'Persons.xml':

<?xml version='1.0'?>


<Person Height="180">

<FullName>Yosi Havia</FullName>



<Person Height="177">

<FullName>Yosi Cohen</FullName>



<Person Height="169">

<FullName>Itay Cohen</FullName>




so, let's talk code lines:

//@@@ Select all the persons in 18 age
XmlNodeList oXmlNodeList =
XmlPersons.SelectNodes("/Persons/Person[Age = '" + 18 + "']");

//@@@ Select all the persons with age greater than 17
XmlNodeList oXmlNodeList =
XmlPersons.SelectNodes("/Persons/Person[Age > '" + 17 + "']");

//@@@ Select all the persons that contains Yosi in their names
XmlNodeList oXmlNodeList =
XmlPersons.SelectNodes("/Persons/Person/FullName[contains(.,'" + "Yosi" + "')]");

//@@@ Select all the persons with 180 height(attribute)
XmlNodeList oXmlNodeList =
XmlPersons.SelectNodes("/Persons/Person[@Height = '" + "180" + "']");

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How to merge 2 XmlDocuments

In this post i'll show u how 2 merge 2 xml documents
let's say that i have 2 xml documents,


<?xml version='1.0'?>


<Person Height="180">

<FullName>Yosi Havia</FullName>



<Person Height="177">

<FullName>Yosi Cohen</FullName>



<Person Height="169">

<FullName>Itay Cohen</FullName>




and Persons2.xml

<?xml version='1.0'?>


<Person Height="175">

<FullName>Yosi Havia</FullName>




What i want 2 do in this example is 2 take the node with the full name 'Yosi Havia' from Persons2.xml file and replace the original node with the same full name in Persons.xml file.
this code lines make this assigment(with help of my last post Simple XPath Examples ):

XmlDocument XmlPersons1 = new XmlDocument();

XmlDocument XmlPersons2 = new XmlDocument();

XmlNode oXmlNewData = XmlPersons2.SelectSingleNode("/Persons/Person[FullName = '" + "Yosi Havia" + "']");
XmlNode targetNode = XmlPersons1.SelectSingleNode("/Persons/Person[FullName = '" + "Yosi Havia" + "']");
//@@@ Add the node from XmlPersons2.xml to XmlPersons.xml
XmlNode sourceNode = XmlPersons1.ImportNode(oXmlNewData, true);
//@@@ Replace the original node
XmlPersons1.DocumentElement.ReplaceChild(sourceNode, targetNode);

and u can c the result here:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<Person Height="175">

<FullName>Yosi Havia</FullName>



<Person Height="177">

<FullName>Yosi Cohen</FullName>



<Person Height="169">

<FullName>Itay Cohen</FullName>




Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Performence check in c# with Stopwatch

System.Diagnostics has a very nice object called Stopwatch
i show here my very easy and simple example 4 making performence check:

Stopwatch oStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
//@@@ Start of code to make the performence check
//@@@ End of code to make the performence check
TimeSpan oTimeSpan = oStopwatch.Elapsed;

the output of this code was:
