and can be done by an auto generated code tool and there is no need
to write this code manually,
the main advantages of using auto generated code tool are:
- Saves time - don't waste your time on the simple actions, waste your time on the complicated algorithm
- Systemic change - for example if we want to add a new field to all the entities in the system
we can do it in a one central place instead of to change each entity - better code - the code is clean and simple
- coding standards built in - there is no need to make code reviews, the code is structed and known to everyone
that it is a very easy to use tool
lets say that i have a Persons table in my db(see the table code below)
and i want to create c# code and sql procedures for this entity
create TABLE [dbo].[Persons](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Counter] [int] NULL,
[BirthDate] [datetime] NULL,
Code Generated
I want to create this basic c# classes that will represent this table:- PersonBase - a class that contains all the fields of person
- IPerson - an interface that contains all the fields of person
- Person - a class that containd the logic of the entity
that is based on this code lines:
foreach (string columnName in columns)
columnAlias = DnpUtils.SetCamelCase(DnpUtils.TrimSpaces(table.Columns[columnName].Alias));
columnLanguageType = table.Columns[columnName].LanguageType;
private <%=columnLanguageType%> _<%=columnAlias%>;
which means that the lines in the yellow parentheses are the logic to manipulate your
auto generate code and all the other lines are the auto generated code output
in this sample i make a loop through all the columns of the table and create a
private data member in c#
you may see the output of this c# code template below:
* PersonBase - A Class Representing Persons' fields/columns
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
namespace My.Framework.Core.Application
public class PersonBase : IMyObject
#region MyGeneration Auto-Generated Code
#region fields
private int _id;
private string _name;
private int? _counter;
private DateTime _birthDate = DateTime.MinValue;
#region properties
public int Id
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value;}
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value;}
public int? Counter
get { return _counter; }
set { _counter = value;}
public DateTime BirthDate
get { return _birthDate; }
set { _birthDate = value;}
#region Constructors
public PersonBase(){}
public PersonBase(IDataReader reader)
this._id = (int)Convert.ChangeType(reader["ID"], typeof(int));
if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("Name")))
this._name = (string)Convert.ChangeType(reader["Name"], typeof(string));
if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("Counter")))
this._counter = (int)Convert.ChangeType(reader["Counter"], typeof(int));
if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("BirthDate")))
this._birthDate = (DateTime)Convert.ChangeType(reader["BirthDate"], typeof(DateTime));
public PersonBase(int id, string name, int? counter, DateTime birthDate)
this._id = id;
this._name = name;
this._counter = counter;
this._birthDate = birthDate;
#region IMyObject Members
public DateTime Created
get { return DateTime.MinValue; }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public DateTime Deleted
get { return DateTime.MinValue; }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public DateTime Updated
get { return DateTime.MinValue; }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
* IPerson - An Interface representing Persons
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using My.BusinessLogic.DataAccess;
using My.Framework;
using My.Framework.Core.Application;
using My.BusinessLogic.Application;
namespace My.BusinessLogic
public interface IPerson
#region MyGeneration Auto-Generated Code
#region properties
int Id{get;set;}
string Name{get;set;}
int? Counter{get;set;}
DateTime BirthDate{get;set;}
* Person BL's Class Code
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using My.BusinessLogic.DataAccess;
using My.Framework;
using My.Framework.Core.Application;
using My.BusinessLogic.Application;
namespace My.BusinessLogic
public class Person : PersonBase,IPerson
#region MyGeneration Auto-Generated Code
#region Constructors
public Person() : base()
public Person(IDataReader reader) : base(reader)
public Person(int id, string name, int? counter, DateTime birthDate) :
base(id, name, counter, birthDate) {}
#region ISchemaDataObject Members
public bool Save(ISession session)
if (Id == -1) //Insert
Id = session.GetDataSource
else //Update
return true;
public bool Delete(ISession session)
throw new NotImplementedException("Delete wasn't generated, kindly implement it please.");
* SQL - Stored Procedures
Get From the 2nd util..
and download the full template here
Sql Generated
I want to create this basic sql procedure that will represent this table:- SP_Person_Insert - a procedure that insert a new person
- SP_Person_Update - a procedure that update an existing person
- SP_Person_Delete - a procedure that delete an existing person
- SP_GetPerson_ByID - a procedure that return the requested person
the idea is to create a list of fields (for example: [Name], [Counter], [BirthDate])
and list of values (for example: @Name, @Counter, @BirthDate)
and to use it in the output of the template
i recommend you to download the full template from here
and to customize it as you wish
you may see the output of this sql procedure template below:
// SQL_StoredProcs.jgen
// Last Update : 2/21/2004
// Be sure to rename this template if you plan to customize it, MyGeneration
// Software will update this sample over time.
// This template generates 3 stored procedures
// 1) [TableName]Update
// 2) [TableName]Insert
// 3) [TableName]Delete
// There is script in the "Interface Code" tab that pops up a dialog so you can tell this tempate
// where to save the files and what tables you want to generate stored procedures for. So, the
// logic at a very high level looks like this:
// For Each TableName in Select Tables
// objTable = database.Tables.Item(TableName)
// Generate the 3 stored procs for objTable
// Save file
// Next
// However, all of the script ends up in the Output tab and you can copy this right into
// Sql QueryAnalyzer and execute it. It's a pretty smart template, it knows to make
// Identity Columns output parameters to return them, the same holds true for computed
// Columns. It knows how to use PrimaryKeys in WHERE clauses and not to update them
// in the UpdateStored Proc, if you have a TimeStamp it will do the comparison for you and
// so on. This template alone can save you tons of time, and at anytime you can regenerate
// them as tables change.
// Justin Greenwood
// MyGeneration Software
// collect needed data/objects and put them in local variables
var databaseName = input.Item("cmbDatabase");
var tablenames = input.Item("lstTables");
var database = MyMeta.Databases.Item(databaseName);
// Filename info
var filepath = input.item("txtPath");
if (filepath.charAt(filepath.length - 1) != '\\') filepath += "\\";
// The buffer that will hold all the output for rendering.
var buffer = "";
for (var i = 0; i < tablenames.Count; i++)
var tablename = tablenames.item(i);
var tableMeta = database.Tables.Item(tablename);
// Single name
var tableNameSingle = DnpUtils.SetPascalCase(DnpUtils.TrimSpaces(tableMeta.Alias));;
if (tableNameSingle.match("ies$") == "ies") // ends with
tableNameSingle = tableNameSingle.substr(0, tableNameSingle.length - 3) + "y";
else if (tableNameSingle.match("s$") == "s") // ends with
tableNameSingle = tableNameSingle.substr(0, tableNameSingle.length - 1);
// Build the filename
var filename = filepath + "sql_procs_" + tablename + ".sql"
var insertProcName = "SP_" + tableNameSingle + "_Insert";
var insertParams = "";
var insertFields = "";
var insertValues = "";
var insertAutoKeyCode = "";
var insertComputedCode = "";
var updateProcName = "SP_" + tableNameSingle + "_Update";
var updateParams = "";
var updateSet = "";
var updateWhere = "";
var deleteProcName = "SP_" + tableNameSingle + "_Delete";
var selectProcName = "SP_Get" + tableNameSingle + "_ByID";
var deleteParams = "";
var deleteWhere = "";
var paramName = "";
var hasComputedFields = false;
var hasTimestamp = false;
// Loop through all the columns of the table
for (var j = 0; j < tableMeta.Columns.Count; j++)
column = tableMeta.Columns.Item(j);
paramName = column.Name.split(' ').join('')
// If the datatype is not a timestamp, add it to the insert statement
if (column.DataTypeName == "timestamp")
hasTimestamp = true;
else if (!column.IsComputed)
if (insertParams != "")
insertParams += ",\r\n";
if (insertFields != "")
insertFields += ",\r\n";
insertValues += ",\r\n";
insertParams += "\t@" + paramName + " " + column.DataTypeNameComplete
if ((column.DataTypeName == "uniqueidentifier") && (column.IsInPrimaryKey) && (tableMeta.PrimaryKeys.Count == 1))
insertParams += " = NEWID() OUTPUT";
else if (column.IsNullable || column.IsAutoKey || column.IsComputed)
insertParams += " = NULL";
if (column.IsAutoKey || column.IsComputed)
insertParams += " OUTPUT";
if (!column.IsAutoKey && !column.IsComputed)
insertFields += "\t\t[" + column.Name + "]";
insertValues += "\t\t@" + paramName;
if (column.IsAutoKey)
insertAutoKeyCode += "\tSELECT @" + paramName + " = SCOPE_IDENTITY();\r\n";
if (column.IsComputed)
if (insertComputedCode == "")
hasComputedFields = true;
insertComputedCode += "\tSELECT ";
insertComputedCode += ", \r\n";
insertComputedCode += "\t\t@" & paramName & " = [" & column.Name & "]"
if (!column.IsComputed)
if (updateParams != "")
updateParams += ",\r\n";
updateParams += "\t@" + paramName + " " + column.DataTypeNameComplete;
if (column.IsNullable || column.IsComputed || column.DataTypeName == "timestamp")
updateParams += " = NULL";
if (column.IsComputed)
updateParams += " output";
if (column.IsInPrimaryKey || column.DataTypeName == "timestamp")
if (updateWhere != "")
updateWhere += " AND\r\n";
if (column.DataTypeName == "timestamp")
updateWhere += "\t\tTSEQUAL(" + column.Name + ", @" + paramName + ")";
updateWhere += "\t\t[" + column.Name + "] = @" + paramName;
if (!column.IsComputed && !column.IsAutoKey && column.DataTypeName != "timestamp")
if (updateSet != "")
updateSet += ",\r\n";
updateSet += "\t\t[" + column.Name + "] = @" + paramName;
if (column.IsInPrimaryKey)
if (deleteParams != "")
deleteParams += ",\r\n";
deleteWhere += " AND\r\n";
deleteParams += "\t@" + column.Name + " " + column.DataTypeNameComplete;
deleteWhere += "\t\t[" + column.Name + "] = @" + paramName;
%>USE [<%= database.Name %>]
--| [<%= insertProcName %>] - Insert Procedure Script for <%= tablename %>
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[<%= insertProcName %>]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= insertProcName %>]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= insertProcName %>]
<%= insertParams %>
INSERT INTO [<%= tablename %>]
<%= insertFields %>
<%= insertValues %>
<%= (insertAutoKeyCode == "" ? "" : "\r\n" + insertAutoKeyCode) %><%
if (hasComputedFields)
insertComputedCode += "\r\n\tFROM [" + tablename + "]\r\n";
insertComputedCode += "\tWHERE " + deleteWhere + ";\r\n";
RETURN @@Error
--| [<%= updateProcName %>] - Update Procedure Script for <%= tablename %>
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[<%= updateProcName %>]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= updateProcName %>]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= updateProcName %>]
<%= updateParams %>
UPDATE [<%= tablename %>]
<%= updateSet %>
<%= updateWhere %>
<% if (hasTimestamp) { %>
IF @@ERROR > 0
RAISERROR('Concurrency Error',16,1)
<% } %>
RETURN @@Error
--| [<%= deleteProcName %>] - Update Procedure Script for <%= tablename %>
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[<%= deleteProcName %>]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= deleteProcName %>]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= deleteProcName %>]
<%= deleteParams %>
FROM [<%= tablename %>]
<%= deleteWhere %>
RETURN @@Error
--| [<%= selectProcName %>] - Update Procedure Script for <%= tablename %>
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[<%= selectProcName %>]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= selectProcName %>]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[<%= selectProcName %>]
<%= deleteParams %>
FROM [<%= tablename %>]
<%= deleteWhere %>
RETURN @@Error
// Save this set of procedures to disk, false);
buffer += output.text;
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